8 Ways To Increase Hair Growth

28 March 2021

Kerastase hair loss
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We all long for lustre no matter what length of hair we have. Learning about the phases and cycles of our bodies is all very scientific but to simplify our understanding you need to know that there are 4 different phases to hair growth. It explains why some people have flowing locks that need a chop more regularly than others who complain their hair just won’t get past their shoulders.

The length of these phases is determined by your genetics and not all strands are in the same phase at the same time. Keep up…

Catagen phase – hair growth stabilises.

Anagen phase – hair grows

Telogen phase –  hair sheds

Dormant phase – regeneration of the follicle so new, healthy hair can grow.

Top tips for long and strong;

#1 Scalp Love

Give yourself that extra massage to get blood flow going. Not only a little relaxing treat, but it also delivers oxygen to your roots. Pretty similar to a facial really and if you can find an extra pair of willing, helping hands, all the more zen you shall be!

#2 Trim it

It’s not a myth! Getting a regular trim can help hair grow longer and stronger. Little and often is best when trying to grow the hair to avoid split ends taking hold and resulting in more being taken off in the long run!

#3 Cool it

Don’t blast the hot water out until you can only just bear it. Warm water is more comfortable on your skin as well as for your scalp and won’t dry them out as much. Add a blast of cold water at the end to wake up the senses as well as sealing the cuticles on your strands which will ensure your hair looks as shiny as can be. We love the simple (and free) hacks!

#4 Put the heat tools down

We know heat styling can damage strands and hamper hair growth. We also appreciate that sometimes there is just no other way! Try to limit your use of hairdryers, straighteners and other heat stylers so just ensure you use a heat protector first. It will prevent the obvious frazzle too.

#5 Tender Love

Only about 15 percent of the strands on your head are in the Anagen (growth) phase, so if you’re frantic with your brushing (we know it’s easily done as there are never enough hours in the day), you could accidentally tug out some of those all-important strands we’re so eagerly trying to keep in the growth phase. Brush gently. Always start at the ends, working your way up to the roots.

When the weather picks up, tangles and knots happen to the best of us so just avoid extra matted ‘arrangements’ by using a good conditioner and a mask once or twice a week for that extra silky goodness…

#6 Sleep Tight

It may sound a bit ‘Princess like’ but silk pillowcases can make all the difference to your boudoir. This again deters the tangle as the smoother fabric will cause less friction between your strands

#7 Eat the Rainbow

There are certain foods that support healthy hair growth. Starting by thinking what you put on the inside can reflect on the outside (mum was right again)!

Biotin is a supplement thought to increase hair growth, but you can find it naturally in foods like salmon, eggs, chicken, and tofu.

A lack of protein (you’ll find high volumes in the biotin menu), has been linked to hair loss, so factor in protein-rich foods into your diet every day.

Good fats (yay to avo’s), will ensure your follicles get all the nutrients they need. Snack on nuts or pop a little olive oil and mixed seeds over your salad bowl.

Omega 3 fatty acids are something your body can’t produce itself so order then oily fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel to keep shine as well as volume.

Ever heard of pantothenic acid as an ingredient on your hair and skin care product labels? It’s vitamin B5, also found in Greek Yoghurt. Greek yogurt also has an ingredient that helps with blood flow to your scalp and therefore hair growth.

Go green. All dark green leafy vegetables, like spinach and kale, are full of amazing nutrients. They have tons of vitamin A, plus iron, beta carotene, folate, and vitamin C. These work together for a healthy scalp and strands. They keep your hair moisturised so it doesn’t break. Pop into a smoothie or add to your salads for some injection of all the good stuff.

Keep up with the iron. A lack leads to hair loss. You can find this powerhouse in fortified cereal, grains, pasta, and soybeans, and lentils too. Meat and organ meats like liver, have lots of iron. Shellfish and dark leafy greens do too so you won’t be short of a menu to suit all the family!

#8 Invest

Investing in the right products is where it’s at. Nourish strands, drive away dryness and enhance shine with a good hair routine and an added oil. It’s nutrition in a pot so as long as you eat properly and get enough sleep, this is just a little bonus for your locks. Many oils are packed with omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids so it’s all in there, waiting to be unleashed, promote growth, limit split ends, and tame the frizz. Best used on towel-dried hair.

Let your locks cascade with personality and confidence.

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