L’Oreal Professionnel has recently re-branded and re-worked their Serie Expert and it’s simply beautiful. The updated line of hair care products has been re-engineered to be more professional, more sustainable and perform better. Designed by professionals, L’Oreal Pro’s most expert scientists and hair artists have worked hand in hand to re-create Serie Expert. Featuring top-performing technologies, they have delivered the best technical performance for every hair condition, from lightened or severely damaged hair, to dry hair or split ends. Keep reading to find your perfect Serie Expert match! Pump up the volume with Volumetry Give your hair a boost with… Read More
At True Grit we believe treatments are a form of insurance for your hair and scalp. That’s why we always recommend a Kérastase Luxe Fusio Dose Ritual with every colour for maximum hair beauty results. It’s just an essential part of the True Grit Experience we provide all our clients. You can read more about our Luxury 360° Sublime Shine Service over here. An integral part of our Kérastase Luxe Fusio Dose Rituals are Kérastase’s Fusio Dose and Fusio Scrub treatments. You may have heard about them before. They treat your hair and scalp, immediately transforming them for lasting results. Want to know more? Keep scrolling to discover… Read More
What can you eat for luscious locks no matter your age? At True Grit we believe in nourishing from the inside out, and teaching ourselves how we can gain miraculous results from the kitchen. INSIDE-OUTSIDE BEAUTY – Eat Up! Eating a variety of nutrient-rich, strand-strengthening foods is a must for your body, skin and hair. Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin seeds have been linked to positive effects on hair growth. They contain cucurbitacin (a type of amino acid) that is responsible for those strands to grow. Other micronutrients found in pumpkin seeds also help to improve the texture of the hair and make it strong (and long). … Read More
We all long for lustre no matter what length of hair we have. Learning about the phases and cycles of our bodies is all very scientific but to simplify our understanding you need to know that there are 4 different phases to hair growth. It explains why some people have flowing locks that need a chop more regularly than others who complain their hair just won’t get past their shoulders. The length of these phases is determined by your genetics and not all strands are in the same phase at the same time. Keep up… Catagen phase – hair growth… Read More
There are plenty of reasons why your hair might be shedding. It’s Important to find which cause is affecting you (and maybe more than one)… and try not to freak out! 1/ A shift in seasons Your hair works in three different stages. A growth phase, a transitional phase, and a resting phase. The growth phase lasts between 3-6 months whereas the transitional (aka catagen) is only a few weeks long and the resting (aka telogen) is another three months. The latter phase takes place heading from summer to autumn and as it’s resting, it sheds more. So those extra… Read More
The thought of losing our locks is a concerning issue. But the fact is, it is a part of everyday life, and although you may think you’re the only one that can make a full rug from your hair fall, remember that we all lose on average about 50-100 strands a day! On a typical head of hair, each follicle is at a different stage at different times so you probably won’t notice it happening. It’s important to note that hair loss is a very common problem for women – much more so that people realise (or like to talk… Read More